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Sinusitis and other Mucus Membranes Problems

Sinusitis, Ear Infections, Bronchial Infections, Chronic Colds, Etc.

The mucus membranes hold the emotion of Resentment. The sinus more specifically deals with our resentments that manifest around abundance issues. This means that a person who has chronic sinus issues is spending more time focussing on what they don't have instead of what they do have. In order to heal, appreciation for what you do have should be the main focus. Now that you understand the language of sinus infections, you can begin to heal your chronic sinus problems.

Chronic bronchial problems are the language that one is resenting insecurities, either of themselves or others. Focussing on those things that make us feel secure is the first step in healing chronic bronchial problems.

The spleen can also be an issue for those with chronic mucus membrane problems. Resentment often times begins in the spleen as "resentment of others". The spleen is directly connected to the mucus membranes and so illness that begins in a spleen imbalance often flows over to the mucus membranes of the body.

The flower essence that most often deals with resentments is called "Willow". People who are in a Willow state will hold on to resentments and bitterness. Their thoughts will dwell on the negative of a situation instead of the positive. This is where they will choose to remain.

The other flower essence often associated with mucus is "Chicory". Chicory is used for the victim mentality (poor me, nobody appreciates what I do). These personalities focus on what they don't have instead of what they do have. They usually add a "but" at the end of their sentences, ensuring they finish with negativity.

The Beech flower essence if most often used when an issue begins in the throat such as swollen glands, sore throat, bronchitis and laryngitis. This is very 5th chakra energy relating to intolerances, control, judgements and irritation either directed at oneself or others.

To help alleviate congestion, avoid all cow dairy products (this includes milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt and any food that contains any amount of dairy in its ingredient listing). Non-dairy substitutes such as soy or rice milks can be used instead. Goat or sheep milk products can also be substituted, as it is much more digestible to the human body. Oranges and orange juice should be eliminated, as both will aggravate mucus congestion, although a small amount of grapefruit juice may be helpful for a cleanser. Four to six cups of pure water daily is essential to help cleanse the system. Lastly, for those who have severe allergies, eliminating wheat may also be helpful to get the body balanced. Instead of plain white or wheat breads, substituting with sourdough breads or sprouted grain breads are a much better choice, and they taste better too.

The herbs that may be helpful to eliminate the mucus that has been stored in the body include Elderberry, Echinacea and Goldenseal. Natures Herbs makes a combination formula of all three that has helped many people balance sinus congestion. The medicinal mushroom family can be helpful for the immune system including the reishi mushroom, the shitake mushroom and the maitake mushroom. You can find immune boosting formulas that may contain all of them.

As the spleen is also involved in the emotion of resentment, keeping the spleen cleansed is important. Foods to be avoided for a healthy spleen are: city water, artificial ingredients including artificial sweeteners, and dark colored sodas. The herbs that help to keep the spleen cleansed include Dandelion Root, Burdock Root and Yellowdock Root.

There are a number of tissue salts that may also be helpful in healing mucus congestion. Ferrum Phosphate is the tissue salt used for symptoms associated with congestion, inflammation, pain, high temperatures, and quickened pulse. It is the oxygen carrier of the body. It can be used until inflammatory symptoms subside.

Kali Mur is one tissue salt I use often with sinus problems. It is the remedy for sluggish conditions that have been stuck in the body for a length of time. It is especially useful when discharges have become think, and white with a fibrous appearance. Anything affecting the mucus membranes and respiration - coughs, colds, sore throats, tonsillitis, bronchitis, may call for Kali Mur in alternation with Ferrum Phosphate.

Kali Sulph is called for symptoms that promote a feeling of "stuffiness" or desire for cool air. When the discharge becomes yellowish from the skin or mucus membranes, Kali Sulph may prove very helpful.

If the mucus is watery with sneezing, dry painful nose or throat symptoms, Natrum Mur may be called for. Eyes watering and hayfever symptoms may indicate a Nat Mur imbalance.

Most important, resentment calls for us to learn how to forgive. Forgiveness allows us to move from the negative emotions that haunt us. Forgiveness is the fastest way to heal resentments.

For more information on anger flowers link to:


Unknown said...

Very nice post, impressive. its quite different from other posts. Thanks for sharing.


Savvy_Systems_for_Solopreneurs said...

Incredibly beneficial information that resonated with me greatly! I feel enriched and am motivated to take action based on the wisdom you have shared. Thank you for all that you do!

Linda Wojcik, Nutritional Kinesiologist, Spiritual Intuitive, Flower Practitioner said...

Good morning Cassandra:

Thank you for your kind words. I am happy they resonate with you too. Healing is a personal and intimate journey into one's soul. Its a very interesting journey to say the least.

Sinus Specialist Doctor said...

Very informative post on sinus.